Flight Data Logger
This is simply a short introduction to a project I've been working on for my education the last month. It is a Flight Data Logger (FDL for short) that is supposed to log data coming from an IMU, GPS ...
How to flash your uC's fuses
While working on a project based on the atmega328, I needed to change the values for the fuses in order to use the external crystal and run at 16MHz (instead of the default 1MHz). Well, needless to ...
Setting up Eclipse for AVR on Fedora
This is a quick tutorial to setup your Eclipse enviroment for AVR on Fedora Linux using the Atmel ICE. First begin by finding your Atmel ICE programmer. lsusb you should get something like ` ...
Assembling a DIY oscilloscope
I found an interesting DIY oscilloscope on the internet. Basically you get a PCB, some passive components, a small TFT display and connectors. Assemble everything and simply power it on. Assuming yo ...